Promotion Announcement

  The Clinton Fire Department is pleased to announce the promotion of Firefighter Wade Glasscock to Engineer B. The main […]

Promotion Announcement

The Clinton Fire Department is excited to announce the promotion of Engineer Bo Reid to Lieutenant effective April 11, 2020. […]

Ladder One In Service – A Chief’s Dream

Article Submitted By:  Matt Willings, Deputy Chief

Ladder 1, a 2019 Rosenbauer Aerial Platform, was placed into service in early 2019 after funding was acquired through a 1/4 cent fire sales tax passed by the citizens of Clinton.  The new fire apparatus is quite impressive to see in person, but the story behind how it got here is even more impressive.

Fire apparatus are not cheap.  Acquiring funding for new fire apparatus can be extremely difficult.  Much like the vehicles each of us drives daily, replacement from time to time is necessary.  The city’s newest fire engine prior to Ladder 1 is a 1997 Freightliner Commercial Chassis Rescue Pumper.  Chief Leo Huff, now retired, was serving as Fire Chief during the purchase and delivery of Ladder 1.  For Chief Huff, the process began long before the truck arrived in Clinton.  Chief Huff was hired by the Clinton Fire Department on November 14, 1973, and some would say he hit the ground running.  A “go-getter”, Chief Huff quickly rose through the ranks before being named Fire Chief on May 20, 2009.  Chief Huff was directly involved with much of the proactive change in the department throughout his 47-year career, but his most proud moment came with the passing of the 1/4 cent sales tax.  The tax, partially authored by Chief Huff, proposed funding to purchase equipment and apparatus for the fire department for the next 20 years.

Chief Huff identified early in his position as Fire Chief that funds were desperately needed to replace the department’s outdated apparatus.  He immediately began the process of developing the comprehensive plan to formulate the 1/4 cent sales tax and spent several years developing a purchasing program if the tax was passed.  His eyes were set on one ultimate goal with the tax, to purchase a new aerial platform with the funding.  After the tax was successfully passed through the generosity of the citizens of Clinton, Chief Huff began designing Ladder 1 from the ground up.  Many months were spent designing the truck which included two trips to the manufacturing plants prior to delivery.  In the video above, Chief Huff is seen backing the new Aerial Platform into the station for the first time.  The tax will also provide funds for 5 additional apparatus to include a new Rescue Pumper, 2 Engines, and 2 staff vehicles, plus funding for equipment.

At the formal dedication ceremony for the truck, Chief Huff stated, “..this truck will serve the citizens of Clinton for many years and provide a level of performance for our firefighters, unlike anything we have seen…”.  Thanks to Chief Huff’s dedication to the betterment of the department, this statement couldn’t be more true.  Chief Huff retired in December 2019, less than a year after the arrival of the truck.  Although he was unable to fully enjoy the benefit this truck brings to our department, his legacy will live on for many years with Ladder 1, which the staff refers to as “Leo’s Truck”.  Thank you Chief Huff for making your dream, become a reality.